A Word About Us
The Pearl Street Seventh Day Adventist Church is a community of believers who welcome all who seek to know and grow in the knowledge of Jesus, through prayer and His word.
God's arms and heart are open to all His children, and He longs to bring them under the shelter of His wings that He may have a loving personal relationship with them.
"Come to me all you who labor and are heavy laden
and I will give you rest."
(Matthew 11:28)
Seven Core Values
1. The Trinity - God in three persons (the Father, Son and Holy Spirit), Blessed Trinity
This truth is a "Divine Mystery" and can not be comprehended in "human terms". It is imparted to
humanity by the Divine Mind, and is evidenced in The Father sending His Son Jesus to give His Life
on Calvary to provide atonement for sin, leaving The Holy Spirit to be present with us today, guiding
our lives into all truth.
2. The Word of God (the Bible/Holy Scriptures)
It is the Word of God that leads us into "all truth".
- a knowledge of God
- His standard for righteousness (right living)
The Bible is accepted as the core and foundation of our faith and our lifestyle.
3. The Spirit of Prophecy - the Prophetic Writings from God, as manifested in the ministry and writings
of Ellen White.These writings were given to help us understand past, present and future events, and
for insights into making choices in our daily lives.
4. The Law of God - The Ten Commandments
The Ten Commandments are a transcript of the character of God, and the foundation of the
government of heaven.This Law of Love is the standard by which God brings us into conformity with
His Divine Nature (character) of love and mercy. It helps us to heal that we can have a relationship
(two way) with God, and restores our relationship with Him and with our fellow man.
5. The Sabbath - A day of memorial to God as the Creator of all.
This day (Saturday) is an opportunity to come apart from worldly cares and spend time with Jesus and
fellow believers.The Seventh day rest provides spiritual, mental and physical healing a nd restoration.
6. Baptism - Becoming a "new creation"
Baptism symbolizes "burying the old life (worldly ways) and rising out of the waters to the hope of
becoming a "new creation" filled with the loving character of Jesus.
7. Christ's Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary - Christ's present Ministry in Heaven (until the Second Coming)
After Calvary, Jesus ascended to the Heavenly Sanctuary where He is now interceding as our High
Priest before the throne of the Father, presenting His atoning blood for our sins.
As we confess (admit) any sin (unloving behavior) that the Holy Spirit impresses on our minds, and
repent (give it over), we are forgiven. In place of our unrighteousness (wrong choices), we are given the
loving character of Christ. As a result, the blood of Jesus "washes away" the sin by blotting it off the
Heavenly Record Book, bringing peace and oneness with God.